Sunday, September 24, 2006

The bitter rantings of a man in pain.

Oh sorry in advance about the sheer rotten bile of this next post. I'm in agony again. My shoulder seems to have a sea-urchin imbedded in between its moving parts, and I'm in intolerable pain. The news item didn't help.

In Leicestershire on Saturday, two rottweilers killed a five month old baby. What a hideous abomination. So utterly foul in every way.

In a curious echo of this story, this afternoon we went to my partner's mum's for sunday dinner. She lives in a tiny terraced house, and it has a suitably tiny garden. Today in the garden, the next door neighbours appeared to say hello. They're lovely people, really interesting and chatty, good humoured too. But they had a fricken huge black labrador dog with them, which insisted on standing on it's hind legs and slobbering over the garden wall. By the frantic and hoarse breathing of this dog, it was very keen to find out what was going on in our garden. I immediately said out loud " Don't let that dog jump over the wall ", because with our twin babies toddling around the garden, and bearing in mind the story that I started with in this item, there was no way I was keeping quiet this time. Sod politeness, I'm allowed to say when lines should not be crossed.

Their reply was just the most ignorant and doltish thing that you can say when your manic dog starts threatening or acting up, " oh he/she's alright, just being friendly, they wouldn't do that "


Sheesh. I mean people say the stupidest things, and animals do the stupidest things, combine stupid animals with stupid people and you've got a recipe for some really bad shit going down.
Like the poor five month old child that was killed by the two rottweilers. What were you thinking when you decided to keep both rottweilers and baby in the same household? Why not just put the baby down to sleep each night with a grenade as a cot-toy? Then you can say " Oh our baby wouldn't pull the pin out, they wouldn't do that ". Same difference in my opinion. A dog is an animal that has been designed to hunt, to maim and to then eat other animals. The moral compunction not to eat the babies of their owners is not something you should be testing in a "live" situation. Take your babies away from dangerous animals, take your small children and keep them distant to potential harm. It's not rocket science.

People who project some kind of disney-shit psychological profile on their dogs need a sharp and vicious lesson in basic awareness. Dogs cannot be trusted, on that basis they should be kept at arm's length. Just because Fido likes to curl up on the sofa next to you and eat hob nobs whilst you watch Coronation Street, does not mean that Fido is incapable of becoming stressed, jealous and territorial over the invasion of small children. Learn that lesson and love your dogs as animals instead of moving ornaments. Please.

This is rubbish and I am out of here. The pain is making me delirious and stupid.



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