Keeping up appearances

Okay. Somebody round here has been overly-concerned with the appearance of others and it does nobody any favours to have that kind of stuff flying around.
I've allllways subscribed to the idea that it's better to be a bit cruel than a bit kind, so I'm giving him the chance to make amends.
If I don't hear from his agent (what's that? HE HASN'T GOT ONE?)or the man himself, I'm going to repost the entire series of these publicity shots WITHOUT THE MOSAIC IN PLACE. Is that clear enough for you? Yeah? Really?
where did you get those!
actually look how much more hair i had there!
ok i'll do anything anything.. what do you want...
errr..can i pick those up off you next time im down your way then, err..
please see impostume for approproate degree of grovelling and contrition
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